Can Donald Trump Win?

Last night, Donald Trump took center stage at the Ronald Reagan Library in California for the Republican Presidential Debate. He was joined on the stage with a deep bench of ten presidential hopefuls.
Perhaps most surprising has been his incredible success bidding for the GOP nomination. Polls show that he’s outpacing Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio and numerous governors from Wisconsin to Louisiana.
The latest poll from the New York Times and CBS News shows that 39% of Republican voters think Donald Trump is their best shot at winning the presidency.
The candidate who is No. 2 in the polls isn’t a well-known politician. Instead, it’s Ben Carson, a retired neurosurgeon with no political experience.
The message is very clear. Republicans are tired of the status quo. And they’re much more interested in Washington outsiders with literally zero political experience.
If the recent polls are any indication, then Donald Trump is electable. And if there were a primary election tomorrow, he’d win the GOP nomination.
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What Does Donald Trump Believe?

For all the bravado, many prospective voters don’t know a lot about Donald Trump’s beliefs.
Sure, the cornerstone of Trump’s candidacy is securing the U.S. border. He plans to use his success as a commercial builder to create a huge wall along the Mexican border.
Trump proposes deporting 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants who are currently living in the U.S. In announcing his campaign for presidency, Trump shared his true thoughts:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems…. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Immigration and the U.S. / Mexico border may grab the headlines. But Trump’s plans for the economy and taxes are also intriguing.
Donald Trump proposes the elimination of corporate taxes. He also wants to lower federal income taxes, including a top marginal tax rate of 15% on income of $1 million. He also wants to eliminate inheritance taxes and reduce capital gains taxes.
To offset this, he proposes a 20% import tariff and 15% tax on outsourcing to foreign countries. The message is loud and clear: isolate America from the rest of the world.
Trump’s message resonates with Americans who view globalization and free trade as a bad deal for our country. Those who are unemployed, under employed or haven’t seen their take home pay grow in the past decade may view Trump as the solution to their woes.
It’s important to remember that Donald Trump is far and away the richest of the candidates. He claims to be worth $10 billion…while independent analysis from Bloomberg says the number is a mere $2.9 billion. Clearly, he’d personally benefit from the elimination of corporate taxes, inheritance tax and capital gains tax.
He’s using his personal wealth to help fund his campaign for the presidency. He claims to be turning down big donations…including a $5 million donation last week. He doesn’t want to be “owned” by special interests. And with several billion in the bank, Trump has the luxury of choosing whose money he wants to take.
Last night’s Republican reminds us that there is still a long road to the White House. Can Donald Trump win the GOP nomination and the general election?  Send me an email with your thoughts about Donald Trump, the other GOP candidates, and the 2016 election. My email is editor [email protected].

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