Urgent Marijuana Briefing from Ian Wyatt: This is an urgent notice for serious investors. One Canadian marijuana stock is getting ready to IPO on April 15th.
Nobody knows exactly HOW the stock will perform. But the last Canadian weed IPO jumped 171% – overnight. Click here to access my LIVE briefing – ASAP.
I’ll admit it, I’ve always thought the marijuana boom was a bit of a joke.
The problem wasn’t the industry.
The marijuana black market in the U.S. and Canada is a $50 billion market.
In time, as governments open up the marijuana market, the legal marijuana businesses are going to dominate the industry.
My problem was with the stocks.
So many marijuana stocks in the U.S. aren’t even really marijuana companies at all.
If you look at their financials as closely as I have, many of them are not even companies at all.
Initially, I really thought it was just another bubble that would fade just like so many fads that have come before and will come again.
That is…until I saw this.
Buy the #1 Weed Stock of 2017 – BEFORE the April 15 IPO
Canadian marijuana stocks are surging! The last IPO jumped 171% overnight. Others have surged up to 1,364%!
Discover how to grab a stake in this IPO – just a couple weeks BEFORE the stock starts trading. Click here to get all the details on this pre-IPO trade.
Booms, Bubbles, And Busts
The marijuana industry is growing fast and investors are chasing it even faster.
It has all the makings of bubble and bust scenario.
It’s something we saw just a few years ago in oil.
Years of triple-digit oil prices saw investors and oil companies plow money into new technology and projects.
Over the course of the oil bull market, the total annual capital investment in the energy sector jumped from $100 billion to more than $500 billion.
That huge investment dramatically increased production. And soon, oil production greatly exceeded demand.
The collapse in oil prices was inevitable.
It happens every few decades in the oil patch. And honestly, that’s what I previously expected for marijuana companies too.
Over the next few months and years there’s going to be marijuana companies popping up everywhere.
Next Marijuana IPO Goes LIVE on April 15. Click here for early access.
A recent analysis by researchers at New Frontier Data claimed that there will be more marijuana jobs than manufacturing jobs in the U.S. by 2020.
It’s going to be big.
The U.S. marijuana industry is growing fast, but it’s nothing compared to what’s going on in Canada.
According to an analyst report from PI Financial, a leading Canadian investment bank and brokerage firm, Canadian marijuana growers raised a combined C$685 million (about US$513) last year to fund new the building of new greenhouses and indoor growing facilities.
The report also outlines that they would still need to raise another C$408 million (about US$306 million) just to meet marijuana demand.
And that’s all assuming the rapid expansion goes off without a hitch. Good luck with that.
Simply put, there’s a lot more room for growth left in Canada.
It reminds more of a situation in 2005 when oil was trading at $50 per barrel and capital investment was still growing (and oil stocks had more years to run).
Without a doubt – we are in the early days of the marijuana boom.
Get all the details on the booming Canadian marijuana market. Plus, discover the #1 marijuana IPO.
Click here to RSVP for my live webinar.
Good investing,
Ian Wyatt
Wyatt Research