Travelers (TRV) replaces Citigroup (C) on Dow

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Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase "the sins of the father shall be visited on the son." Well, here’s a case where that’s definitely not true:  
Yesterday, The Travelers (NYSE:TRV) Read more

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DJIA, Nasdaq, S&P 500 Up in Morning Trading

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Both the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 are hitting new recovery rally highs today. Part of the reason for today’s strength is the better than expected construction numbers released… Read more

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Indices Heading for New Highs or a Pull Back?

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The high close for the Nasdaq since the rally began was 1,763. Yesterday’s close was 1,751. For the S&P 500, the high close was 929 and it closed at… Read more

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Housing Bottom and 19% Gain on BlackRock (BLK)

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Yesterday, it was reported that median home prices fell to $209,700 from $246,400 in April 2008. That’s a steep year-over-year correction, even though prices were up from March 2009. 

Oil Tops $63: Continuing Profits for Small E&P Stocks

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So I heard a radio ad this morning from a mortgage company. It might have been PNC, but don’t hold me to it. It was typical mortgage ad fodder:… Read more

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North Korea Missile Test Dampens Asian Markets

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I hope every one had a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend. Pools are open, school is winding down, and summer is almost here. 
There were some fireworks over the… Read more

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Greenspan and China Both Need to Be Quiet

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One of the architect’s of the financial crisis issued a warning that banks … Read more

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Geithner’s PPIP Comes Back to Reward Investment Banks

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I was starting to think that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner was secretly hoping that everyone had forgotten about his plan to remove toxic assets from bank balance sheets. But… Read more

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Housing Bottom: TOL Reports Tomorrow

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Stocks are down this morning after a "surprise" drop in new housing starts and a fall in new building permit applications. This shouldn’t really be a surprise. After all,… Read more

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