Gains on USO, FEED, DRYS, and Update on GHM

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Fed Chief Ben Bernanke has his hands full. He’s got enough balls in the air to keep an octopus busy. Consider his prime directives: raise money and keep interest… Read more

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Rising Oil and Gas Prices During a Recession

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You know over the course of the past few months I’ve not held Wall Street or the banking executives in high regard. I hold them almost – that’s almost… Read more

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USO, FEED Deliver: Next Up is GHM

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The selling got serious yesterday. But once again, as TradeMaster technical analyst Jason Cimpl forecast, the dip was a buying opportunity. Stocks are up this morning as if nothing… Read more

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GHM Up 65%

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Oil is above $60 a barrel. Investors are buying on the expectation that the end of the recession is in sight. And hopefully, Daily Profit readers are benefiting via… Read more

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BAC and Banks Lead One Week Gains

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The "Stress Test rally" didn’t last long. Bank stocks had a good day Friday. In fact, they had a good week. Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), for instance, went from… Read more

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SOLF Delivers Gains

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The headline reads "Bank Stress Tests Lifts Clouds of Uncertainty." And … Read more

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Bank Stress Test Results

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The Treasury’s stress tests are now, officially, a joke … 
First, the outcome looked as if all banks would need to raise capital. Then it was reduced to just three…. Read more

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What will full employment look like?

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Last week, the Baltimore Sun laid off 61 employees. I heard that a couple reporters were actually called on the phone while they were sitting in the press box… Read more

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Good news out of China

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On Wednesday, the Taiwan stock market posted its biggest gain in 17 years after China Mobile (NYSE:CHL) bought 12% of Taiwanese telecom Far EasTone. The deal was worth $529… Read more

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