Why My Co-Worker Won’t Buy Gold or Silver

Since I began to buy physical gold and silver, I’ve been sounding the alarm for my close friends and family – urging them to do the same. You’ve probably had similar conversations with your friends and family.

After all, what good would it be if we came through this serious currency crisis fully intact, and all of our loved ones were suffering serious consequences?

We’d probably go broke trying to help them. And then what?

I’ve extended this advice to my co-workers here at Wyatt Investment Research.

And while I’m happy to say that some of my friends and family have listened to me, and most of my co-workers, there are more than a few holdouts.

One notable holdout is an ex-Wall Street options trader by the name of Andy Crowder.

Andy is acutely aware of the same overarching themes (inflation, currency crisis, central bank/corporate collusion) that I hammer away at here in the Resource Prospector on a daily basis.

But he’s not buying gold and silver, because he uses two very simple options strategies to create income on a monthly basis.

And he’s amassed a substantial personal fortune doing NOTHING but using these two basic options strategies.

He has an independently audited track record of average monthly gains of around 8%. That doesn’t sound like much, I know – but that turns into a compounded annual gain of over 100%. Not bad.

Why don’t I use Andy’s strategies for myself? Well, I did for a little while. But then he launched a research service here at Wyatt, and because of our company’s strict trading policy, I’m not allowed to use Andy’s options plays anymore.

I’m not saying you should drop all of your commodity investments and start trading options. But if you’re at all interested in learning more about options the good news is that Andy will host a LIVE webinar all about options on February 6.

In this live event, Andy will go over the TWO simple options strategies he uses to produce monthly income. He’ll also field ANY questions from the audience. That’s why we’re trying to keep a strict limit on the number of registrants. We want everyone to have a chance to ask questions.

If you’ve ever traded options, or even considered it, I know that Andy’s strategies will seem bizarre at first. That’s because most options gurus tout huge gains – usually by taking substantial risks.

But Andy trades options with a real money portfolio. He’s not taking huge risks. He’s using very simple, very effective options strategies to make monthly income.

He’ll usually only make one or two trades a month.

Why so few? Because he waits for the ideal time to execute his trades. He waits for the opportunities to come to him.

For now, there are still some seats open for this event. I know I’ll be tuning in to see what Andy has to say.

And if you’re interested, I urge you to sign up now. There’s no obligation. The event is completely free. But if you sign up now, you’ll be sure to have a seat.

Have a great weekend,

Kevin McElroy
Resource Prospector

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