It’s Happening…

It’s official: Oil prices just hit a 9-month high.

Considering how this could worsen inflation …

You might consider these 37 passive income strategies to crush inflation.

Click here and receive them FREE no strings attached.

After OPEC+ announced it will extend its supply cut…

No one should be surprised that the two leading crude oil benchmarks hit their highest level this year.

Brent crude futures rose to $90.65.

And U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude rose to $87.51.

To make matters worse…

Biden is CANCELING several gas and oil leases in Alaska.

It’s clear that these decisions ignore the plight of the average American.

Gas prices are already too high.

Americans are feeling the sting at the pump.

And now it could get worse.

This is one reason why you should consider my simple income blueprint.

If offers strategies that could help you realize an extra $1,000… $2,000… or even $5,000 monthly.

Click here to see how.

Supercharged Payouts is one strategy.

It’s a strategy we’ve been using for the past 7 years…

It can deliver income yields as high as 45% in one day.

A 45% income yield can deliver an immediate $4,501 one-time payment.

Supercharged Payouts are 5X… 10X… or even 20X the payout of regular quarterly dividends.

These payouts are related to an unanticipated event…

A strong earnings report… 

A business reorganization…

A change in business fortunes…

A large legal settlement…

A change in tax law.

These payouts are frequently a “signaling mechanism” – signaling to investors better days await and the time to invest is now.

“Right-sizing” the balance sheet is another reason companies pay Supercharged Payouts.

Excess cash is wasteful because it’s sterile and generates little-to-no return.  

Removing excess cash ensures returns on invested capital remain high. 

At the same time, removing excess cash rewards investors with high-yield income. 

Based on our experience over the past 7 years…

You could earn an extra $1,120 every 20 days with Supercharged Payouts.

To discover how to receive these mammoth-sized 1-day payouts …

And how my Income for Life Blueprint could put an extra $5k per month in your bank account…

Click here now.

Good Fortunes,

Steve Mauzy

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