Flying Car Unveiled in Las Vegas (photo)

The Jetson’s version of the flying car is becoming a reality.

A Chinese EV automaker just unveiled…

The Xpeng AuroHT Flying Car.

It looks like a high-end supercar.

Yet with a push of a button the car turns into an electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicle.

The AuroHT will be capable of flying short distances at low altitudes.

Pre-orders are expected to begin in 2024. Mass production is expected to go live in 2025.

Price remains unknown. Rumors indicate a price between $150,000 – $200,000

Xpeng (Nasdaq: XPEV) is little-known here in the U.S.

That may change after last week.

Xpeng debuted the AeroHT at last week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

That gave +130,000 conference attendees a chance to see this next generation EV.

The company produces over 100,000 EVs per year for the China and European markets. Xpeng currently does not have plans to enter the U.S. market.

Xpeng is growing quickly – and expected to grow its revenues by nearly 90% this year.

Here’s the key takeaway…

Old school automakers are actually cutting back on their EV initiatives. For example…

  • Toyota is slashing its EV production forecast by 40%
  • Ford expects to lose $4.5 billion on EVs last year. And the automaker is cutting back on new models
  • GM is reducing production – and abandoned plans to build 400k EVs in 2024

Meanwhile, new EV-focused companies including Tesla (Nasdaq: TSLA) and Xpeng as getting real traction and growing quickly.

Xpeng’s flying car is an example of the rapid pace of innovation underway.

Plus, Tesla is transforming it’s EVs with this new Artificial Intelligence.

Tesla holds an impressive 56% share of the U.S. EV market.

AI is going to transform the auto industry. And Tesla will be the biggest winner.

I just released a new special report with my top 5 AI stocks for 2024.

Just click here to grab your copy (it’s free).


P.S. Would you drive in this Chinese flying EV? Just reply to this email.

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