Selling Puts: 85.6% Easy Income Starts Here

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Right now, this Selling Puts strategy is crushing the market. With 85.6% annualized gains, this is my No. 1 options income strategy. Read more

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How to Make 62.9% in Microsoft by Selling Puts

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If you’re interested in income, you owe to yourself to consider this strategy. Here is my step-by-step method for selling puts on Microsoft shares. Read more

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My Favorite Income Strategy for 2018

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Learn how selling puts actually works – and how using the strategy can boost your income in a safe and consistent way. It’s my favorite income strategy. Read more

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How to Make 16% in Annual Income on General Mills

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Selling puts is the best way to obtain the stock you have been eyeing for a much lower price than where it’s currently trading. Learn the steps for selling… Read more

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Warren Buffett Gives Away $3.1 Billion

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Most folks think Warren Buffett got rich with simple “buy and hold” investments. But he made a fortune with special income trades. You can learn just how it is… Read more

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How I Plan on Making 13.6% in Income Using Options on Kraft Heinz (KHC)

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If you’re looking for more income, or to buy a stock at the price of your choosing, selling puts should be your strategy of choice. This coming week I’m… Read more

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