CNBC Admits the Truth about Social Security in 2023

After more than a year pounding the table on the new, tiny Social Security increase…

CNBC is FINALLY admitting what has been crystal clear for all of us:

The new Social Security bump—the so-called cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)—is not keeping up with the sky-high prices we’re seeing across the board.

That’s why I’m recommending folks to take a look at this simple strategy to potentially generate safe, recurring income.

In fact, it just delivered six straight wins of 16.1%… 4.8%… 13%… 10.1%… 16.8%… and 18.5%

Click here to see how it could pay you more than Social Security ever will.

Last year…

I sent a LOT of emails saying that while the mainstream media liked to describe the 2023 COLA as “the biggest cost-of-living raise in over four decades”…

The truth was that it was a drop in the bucket at best.

After all…

We all know that inflation is probably WAY higher than what the official numbers say.

That’s why for more than a year…

I’ve been urging folks to come up with a plan to generate extra income.

And I cannot think of a better one than one that has made a cumulative profit of 719%.

Because relying in Social Security as one of our main sources of income doesn’t look like a comfortable plan.

Go here to see how it’s working really well right now.

In my view, it’s a much better and reliable way to generate cash flow without depending solely on Social Security.

Since we started using this strategy in late 2017, its cumulative return is 719%.

With the win rate being roughly 80%.

Think about it like this:

When 80% of your investments are profitable, your chances of making money are VERY high.

If you are interested in learning an alternative strategy for generating income…

And you want to use a successful method, starting this week…

Then you I urge to attend my FREE online briefing.

Where I’ll explain everything you need to know in order to take advantage of it.

Click here to confirm your reservation before slots run out.

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