The Truth About Employment?

One headline reads “Jobs news even worse than it appears”. In it, the writer points out that virtually all of the jobs growth for May was for the Census,… Read more

Employment Picture Darkens: What Next?

Investors are apparently not real happy that payrolls grew by only 431,000 in May. Nor are they pleased that the unemployment rate dropped to 9.7%. 

Are investors being unfair?… Read more

How to Invest in Volatile Markets

There’s no getting around the volatility in the stock market these days. It’s seems good news one day is offset by bad news the next.

It’s… Read more

Biotech Buyouts

They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. We’ll see about that. March started with a… Read more

Unemployent falls and so do stocks

Yesterday’s decline reversed the rally we enjoyed to start the week. The S&P 500 is now below support at 1071. Is that a death knell? No. But it’s not… Read more

Re-pricing Banks

It’s clear that investors are re-pricing stocks for the possibility that the proposed restrictions on banks’ trading practices will impact their profits… Read more

Can’t Ignore This One

You’ve probably noticed I tend to stay away from political debates. And with good reason. I learned a long time ago that it’s best not to talk politics and… Read more

Federal Department of Goldman Sachs

The Federal Department of Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) beat earnings expectations with a $4.79 billion profit for the 4th quarter. Goldman has strong gains in its investment banking division, which handles stock… Read more