Bullish on July

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Want to COPY my top 5 July trades? This AI trading bot says THESE are +80% winners. Read more

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New S&P Record: My April Market Prediction

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Can this bull market continue? There’s reason to believe stocks could continue to rally in April. Here’s how much the S&P could rise. Read more

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Crushing the S&P 500 for 50 years

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Stock market historians might raise an eyebrow at the debut datte. October and 1929 conjure an important event. Read more

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The Newest Dividend King – Double the S&P Yield

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One UKNOWN stock has been raising its dividend for 62 years. Yet you’ve probably never heard of this stock – even though you use their products every week. The… Read more

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S&P Hits All Time High in 2023

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Market performance data from the last 25 years shows that September 1st through December 31st is bullish for stocks. Read more

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Why 6% Annual Returns Are Likely 

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According to Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel… Predictions of a “lost decade” in the stock market are unfounded and 6% annual returns are likely after inflation. But there’s one thing… Read more

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Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley’s TOP 3 Recession-Resistant Stocks – NAMES and TICKERS

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Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) just revealed their 3 top recession-resistant stocks. But if you don’t want to wait months for their potential returns… You could copy and paste one of my… Read more

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This Sector Is The BEST Opportunity In 2022 

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A few days ago… I sent you an email about how Warren Buffett is very bullish on energy. But it seems he’s FAR from the only one. In fact,… Read more

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Buying or Selling? Your Answer Says a Lot About You 

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A roller-coaster ride would be less stomach-churning. Up 13% in four weeks, down nearly 9% the following two. That was the S&P 500 from mid-July to the present.  When… Read more

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