A Trillion Dollar Robbery

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The doom and gloom surrounding Cyprus and questionable comments by EU leadership socked stocks last month. That’s because Cyprus was forced to put a levy on bank… Read more

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The Quiet Comeback of the U.S. Auto Industry

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Four years ago, the U.S. auto industry was on its deathbed. Now it's making a comeback. Does that mean it's time to invest in auto stocks again?

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Pure Nonsense Published in the Financial Times

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The mainstream media are floating around this false idea that Wall Street caused the financial crisis. Now the Financial Times — a news source I hold in high regard… Read more

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The Real Cause of the Financial Crisis

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Don’t blame Wall Street for the financial crisis. But for the real underlying cause of that risky behavior, you have to dig a little bit deeper.

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Why Gold Is Due to Gain 9% by December

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Gold prices have been frustratingly stagnant this year. But history tells us they’re about to go on a serious run.

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Buying Coal on Sale

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I don’t like writing about coal even in the best of circumstances. But there's an investment in this space that I firmly believe could return up to 200% in… Read more

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Global Financial Crisis: Dexia bailout a sign of things to come?

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In the latest sign of the global financial crisis, the “too big to fail” mentality American banks made… Read more

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Is There a Bogey-Man Out There?

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In 2008, we knew that the mortgage-backed securities depleted the cash reserves at banks to the point that they were insolvent. In… Read more

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S&P 500 to 1,280?

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Days like yesterday are never fun. The selling hit everything; oil stocks, tech, stocks, commodities, retail,… Read more

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